Sponsored by SOLitude Lake Management
Alum (aluminum sulfate) is widely used for controlling phosphorus (P) in lakes and ponds. There is a large body of knowledge and wide experience using alum due to its efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. This workshop provides a systematic overview of the planning, diagnostic, monitoring, dosing and application technologies for using alum for P control. Alum use strategies for deep and shallow lakes include a) water column P stripping, b) P interception, c) maintenance dosing, d) sediment P inactivation and e) P control in ponds. We will provide overviews of the history of alum use, long-term efficacy, aluminum chemistry, diagnostic and modeling tools, a decision matrix for the appropriate alum use strategy, dosing calculations, application technologies and monitoring requirements. We will discuss numerous case studies and welcome participants to present their lakes’ concerns. The workshop is interactive and there is ample time for discussion. Workshop participants will receive a copy of Lake Management Best Practices – Alum for Phosphorus Control in Lakes and Ponds by Lake Advocates.
Shannon Brattebo is an environmental engineer with Tetra Tech, Inc. Shannon’s work has focused on lake and reservoir water quality, restoration, and management both in the Pacific Northwest and across the nation. Shannon has been a member of NALMS since 2001, served as NALMS Region 10 Director and is a past board member of the Washington Lakes Protection Association.
Joe Bischoff is a limnologist with Barr Engineering, Inc. whose work focuses on phosphorus cycling in deep and shallow lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Joe currently is co-chair for the 2022 Symposium Host Committee.
Harry Gibbons has authored scientific articles, makes frequent presentations on lake management and participated in his first whole lake alum treatment in 1974 and has been actively involved in over 265 alum applications. He has served on the NALMS Board and as Past-President.
Dick Osgood has conducted hundreds of diagnostic/modeling evaluations has authored numerous scientific articles, including design and implementation of alum treatments for lakes. He has served on the NALMS board as treasurer and as Past-President.